Rosie works as the delivery girl for her uncles bakery. Every morning, before the town comes to life, she rides her motorbike down the cobblestone street to pick up her first job. She loves riding her motorbike because she can sing at the top of her lungs beneath the sound of the rumbling engine. She is too shy to sing in front of people but, on her bike, she is safe in her own world. The only two people who know her secret, are her brother Lawrence and his friend Stephen. Every morning, when they start baking the bread before the sun, they prepare a song to sing to Rosie when she arrives to pick up her parcels. At first, Lawrence sang to her to make fun of her, but over time, he realized he loved to sing too. Rosie’s singing is the highlight of Stephens day. On his walks home after work, He takes the trail behind quiet path behind the bustling buildings in the center of town to practice by himself, so he can impress her the next day. Rosie is impressed and singing with Stephen fills her heart with warmth that she carries with her all day.
I hope this can deliver some warmth to you all during quarantine. If you’re getting bored or need a pick-me-up, I suggest singing or dancing with someone you’re cooped up with. No judgement, just fun. If feels great to let yourself be free with music.
This was supposed to be another motorcycle illo but decided to overexpose the outside with morning light and bring the focus inside instead of showing the bike in the door. I just recently made my first GF sourdough so I wanted to capture the Romantic image of a french bakery in the morning and came up with this little story. I can’t eat gluten but drawing pastries and breads is almost as satisfying as eating them! Enjoy!